AJ Logistics Group is an international freight-forwarding company, which provides import, export transport services from or to Kazakhstan, CIS, European countries, USA, Middle East & Asian Countries.
AJ Logistics Group
We work international and worldwide. We coordinate cargo transportation from all over the world via Middle East, Mediterranean, Baltic, East-Asian, and Black Sea ports. Our team of professionals offers door-to-door airfreight, ocean freight, road freight services, project cargo and heavy lifts.
Our values
We strive to always exceed our customer’s expectations and provide the best service
We guarantee an individual approach to each client
High quality
Once receive the application, our team will contact you within the nearest time and provide the best option for your cargo delivery
Always on time
We deliver your cargo to any place around the world
Worldwide service
Contact us for any service requirements you may have
Ваш номер
+7 (777) 350-50-75
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